Sylvia Lake Association
Preserving, Protecting, and Promoting the Welfare of Sylvia Lake since 1968
The Association sponsors a variety of summer community social activities: a summer kick-off party, concerts, a community picnic, boat parade, regatta trophies and Paddlepalooza stickers, Ice Out mugs, annual meetings, a website, an online store, data management, photo contests and other community projects like the 911 and First Responders project. Water testing to monitor the health of the lake is done by the Association, as are other health & safety projects.
The organization is managed by volunteers and funded by fundraising projects, donations and membership dues. Association members are informed about community activities through Association mailings, newsletters, and of course, this website.
There has been an active Sylvia Lake Association since 1919, although the first organizations were separate entities. The first was formed in 1919, at a meeting of property owners. The Gouverneur Northern Tribune (11/19/19) reported that the association's "plans included extensive improvements both on the property at the lake and on the road leading to the grounds. With the completion of the imporvements as planed, the coming season promises to exceed that of 1919 which was one of the most popular ever known in the history of the resort." That resort, of course, was the Sylvia Lake hotel.
The second association was organized in the 1930's... the third, in the late 1940's. The three original associations were primarily organized to facilitate access to the hotel and resort. During the 1940's, the association, in cooperation with the owner, Ed Smith, even organized social activities for residents, held at the Sylvia Lake Inn.
The person most responsible for organizing property owners to form our current association by calling the first meeting, was Carleton L. ("Slip") Toomey. The first association meeting was held on March 27, 1968, at the municipal building in Gouverneur. Fifty property owners attended this meeting, where they elected officers and came to tentative agreement on issues they wanted to work on: road improvement, pollution, and water control.
August 2024 — The Sylvia Lake Association would like to welcome new Board members and recognize our new Association Treasurer. Thank you, Janette Anderson for your service as our Treasurer over the past year and welcome to new treasurer, Greg Force.
The Sylvia Lake Association is an all-volunteer organization. We rely on community members to help make Sylvia Lake healthy, resilient, and fun. Please consider being a Board member.
The names and contact links for the current Sylvia Lake Officers and Board are below. Officers have a one-year term. Directors have a two-year term. The past President serves on the board for one year.
Sylvia Lake Association
Officers & Directors 2024-25
Association Newsletters
Dues provide funds for lake management projects, support for community social activities, as well as this website, an online store, newsletter mailings, contests, and awards. Association dues pay for managing invasive species like Eurasian Water Milfoil and Forest/Tent caterpillars. Pay your Association dues and support your community.
Our efforts over the years have not stopped the spread of Eurasian Milfoil at Sylvia Lake. The milfoil problem continues to threaten areas of the lake.
The Milfoil Task Force (MTF) was organized and is exploring ways to combat this invasive weed.
Milfoil Task Force Volunteers: Bill deLorraine, Ralph Undercoffler, Emily Sprague, Sandy Kraker, Jane Dodds
Greg will join Scott MacKelvey as a new Board member. Mike Hatch will take the Vice-president position and Emily Sprague will be the new Sylvia Lake Association President. Thank you to all these VOLUNTEERS who have stepped up to serve our community.