Water Testing - ALAP '08

Water Testing - Spring, 2008
May 26, 2008 was a warm 72 degrees, but the wind was steady at 15 mph. Paul Smith's College student and ALAP Intern Kim Caro and her friend, Ryan, came to Sylvia Lake to perform ALAP water tests. This will be our third year in this program and as we gather more data, we will come to better understand the health of our lake and how it compares to others in the Adirondack region.
Water Testing Update - Summer, 2008
This is the third year of Sylvia Lake's participation in the Adirondack Lake Assessment Program. We recently received our final results from 2007. Water testing was done this summer by our lake volunteers. Testing was done in June, July, and the final test in late August. The volunteer team is coordinated by Lea Dickson and includes Carlton Force, David McGrath, Gale Ferguson, Faye Lockwood, Jodi Hatch, Shari Barnhart, and Jeanette Perry. The Association also does water testing for bacteria- coliform total and coliform fecal at three selected sites around the lake. The most recent test was done on July 8, 2008. Results will be presented at the Fall Association meeting.
The Sylvia Lake board continues to focus on the importance of water quality. The ALAP measures leading parameters that provide information about the health and aging process of a lake or pond. These parameters include transparency, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, concentrations of chlorophyll-a, calcium, phosphorus, nitrate, and dissolved oxygen, among others.
The goals of the ALAP are two-fold. First, to gather useful, scientifically valid information on a particular lake or pond to inform those associated with this water body about its overall condition and trends. Groups or individuals can use this information for long-term planning for a healthy lake or pond. Second, to establish a profile of water quality conditions and trends across the Adirondack Park. As mentioned above, despite the importance of water in the Adirondacks to the local economy, character of our communities, quality of life, and the environment, we know very little about most of the lakes and ponds in the Adirondacks." (from Residents Committee to Protect the Adirondacks)

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