Sylvia Lending Library Returns!

Back in 2013, the Wixted family organized a lending library for bibliophiles and rainy day activities. The library is located at 1C Old Beach Road. Sue Wixted wrote:
"As most of you know, several years ago our family started a lending library for the Sylvia Lake community located at 1C Old Beach Rd. The purpose of this library is for the reading pleasure of lakers during rainy days or other downtime. It is not meant to be a full service, comprehensive library.
Over the years, kind donations have filled the shelves to capacity. Please, please, please stop bringing all your unwanted books to the library- no ACT prep books, no college texts, no old magazines. That is not the purpose of this library; it is for light reading. We have had to pay to bring boxes of such unwanted materials to the dump, so please in the future find an alternate home for such things. As we are at capacity, only donate current bestsellers and put them in the metal rack to the right of the door.
Thank you and happy reading, Sue Wixted

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