Sylvia's Lending Library

Heaven forbid the weather on Sylvia Lake ever be inclement, but if you should ever be up at the lake and stuck inside and wishing you had a good book to read, this announcement is for you.
Sue Wixted writes:
The Sylvia Lake lending library, located at 1C Old Beach Rd, has been reshelved. Thank you all for your donations! As we are at near capacity, please put any new donations in the small pink bookcase. Also, when you return any books, please put them in the blue crate to the left of the door. We have lots of good books to read during the rainy weather, but let's hope the sun comes out soon! Hope you all have a great summer.
Thank you to the Wixted family (1C Old Beach Rd) who have organized the library. It is located in a red shed along Old Beach Road to the right of the Wixted garage. The library is open daily, but please use it between the hours of 10 am and 6 pm only. The library works on the honor system; please return the books (blue crate to the left of the door) whenever you are finished reading them. Please use the small side door to the shed and be sure to close and latch the door when you leave. Also, if you would like to donate any books to the library, they will be very welcome.
Thanks are due to the O'Shaughnessy families, who donated many of the books and a couple of the book cases in the library. Questions? Contact Sue Wixted at 8hootowl63@gmail.com

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