Shoreline Cleanup
Thanks to a number of volunteers and cottage owners, the September 11, 2021 Clean-up Day was successful in removing a large quantity of unsightly and unwanted debris from the lake bottom and shoreline. Volunteers collected debris from Hotel Bay, Pumphouse Bay and both the inlet and outlet, and recovered old tires and other waterborne debris collected by cottage owners, for removal and transport to the St Lawrence County Transfer Station.
Nearly 1500 pounds of debris, including over 40 old tires, ten bags of trash, three 55-gallon drums, and a large quantity of metal pipe and scrap were collected by the volunteers and cottage owners. All the metal debris was deposited in the Town of Fowler metal recycling bin (free of charge) and the remaining trash and tires were taken to the transfer station for disposal.
Special thanks to the volunteers (Mike and Missy Tersmette, Phil and Emily Sprague, Mike Hatch, and Bill and Juliet Cook) for their commitment of time and energy, to Lea Dickson for lending her trailer, and to Shari Barnhart for Clean-up Day signage and webpage notices. (sent by Bill & Juliet Cook, September 28, 2021)
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