Battle of the Beaver Dam '03

More than 40 sticks of dynamite later, Fergie is happy to report that all involved in the effort are safe and sound. The beavers will be hard pressed to rebuild their dams before the lake reaches the desired level.
The rains of October (unofficially 9.75) raised Sylvia to a near record high and a potentially damaging high for the pre freeze up period. Our dam busters (Gary Scott, Fergie, Harland Brown, Jon Jackson, Dave Lockwood, Bill deLorraine) removed what appeared to be the main blockage almost daily for a three week period. With the fine weather of 11/22 and 23, Gary, Gale and Harland inspected the flow from the railroad culvert downstream. They discovered and opened three more dams. A good current was created and the level of the Lake dropped a bit but the beavers were busy rebuilding their structures.
Fearful that we were not going to meet our deadline for lowering the lake, we contracted with a trapper to relocate the beavers. Also, the Town of Fowler Animal Control Officer annnounced at the Town meeting of 11/25, that he intended to make an effort to help with our problem. This is good news. If we can reduce the population of beavers and the rains let up for a while, it's very likely that the water level can be reduced and controlled. Hunters and others are advised to avoid the area down stream from the outlet through December 10th. (reported by G. Ferguson)

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