28th Charlie Ferguson Fishing Derby

Note from the Ferguson Family: Each and every fish caught has been handled by Gale and/or his family helpers at the Ferguson dock (that's at least 600 a year). This includes counting and measuring fish entered; entering name, camp and age of fisherperson; disposing of fish (great compost); Every cent paid out for rock bass has come from Gale's personal loose change fund. Also, a note that the Force family has generously supplied the trophies for several years. We hope we have contributed to the sport of family fishing and memories of Sylvia Lake.
Once again, the lake community is grateful to the Ferguson family for organizing and supporting this event. All Rock Bass winnings come from Gale's personal "loose change" fund. And continued Thank You's to the Force family who provide trophies and contribute so much to this Sylvia Lake tradition. Thank you to everyone who participated. Photos and Results sent by Gale Ferguson.
This year, the certificates included this beautiful watercolor of the Ferguson camp done by artist Karen Kobler.
Most Rock Bass --- The Dick & Dawn French Camp with 112 --- Bresett Camp with 100 --- Truax 68 --- Hoppers 57 --- Others for a total of 538 fish.
Largest Largemouth Bass --- Cody Burns - a beautiful 21" entry - over 5 lbs. - Largest Smallmouth Bass --- Matthew Bresett - a nice 15" trophy - Largest Rock Bass --- Caleb Bresett - Largest Panfish --- a 10.5 Inch Rock Bass caught by Caleb Bresett - Youngest Participant --- Nara Roberts

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