Our "Baby" loon - in trouble? (updates)
(Entries are updated as I receive them — or when steal them from Facebook.)
September 5 - David S Fuller
McCartney is alone this morning. He did the most awkward dive and while he was under the parent that was with him flew off. Lost sight of the parent somewhere across the lake.
One of the parents came back around and collected McCartney, heading north. Does anyone know around when they away to the coast?
September 4 - Valerie Wells
Was out on the lake Yesterday all afternoon... We saw the 3 loons together and I'm positive positive that it was the mom and dad and the baby. The baby was very attached to the mom almost like mom was trying to make sure that it swam properly. I am positive that it was them because you could tell the baby loon still was not in full black-and-white. I believe that the baby is doing well.!!! Did anyone else see them...because I know a few that said the same
September 4 - Emily Sprague
We saw McCartney flare his wings and dive, looking more like they were swimming and moving normally. It’s hopeful.
Emily: By the way how did it get named McCartney?
Valerie Wells: The chick was born on Sir Paul’s birthday.
September 5 - Sean Devlin
We saw them swimming by our camp. The little one looked to be laboring pretty good when it swam to keep up with the 2 big ones. I did not see it attempt to dive. Just what we observed ....
September 3 - Julia Wright
Watching and adult and baby loon off our dock, both are diving and swimming well! If this is McCartney they look better than they have since the injury. (Would another already be migrating through?) Baby just flapped BOTH wings almost evenly!!
August 28, 2022 — Lots of comments on Facebook about our juvenile loon... some say he/she is doing well, others don't. Check the Facebook group for the most updated info. The Cummings family posted a video, below, from Sunday, August 28. Clara posted, "Good morning. It’s Sunday 8/28 7:30am and the baby loon has been swimming around in front of our camp for quite awhile and is alert and paddling around, but not going underwater. It has made a few “loon” calls in response to the other Parent’s distant call. The mom (at least we think it’s the mom) has been feeding it regularly. Shawn got a video and some photos."
And Bob Donnelly posted some amazing photos of the loon family when the baby was just a baby.
August 24, 2022 — From Jane Dodds: Update on little loon: Sadly, "McCartney" isn't doing very well. Yes, they can swim, but they're not diving, not very active, and relying on parents for food. It's been floating rather listlessly for two days now, head tucked in, very low in the water. Parents are around, have fed it today and chick is still eating, but does not seem able to flex its wings. It does swim to avoid boats.
We've spoken with Dr. Schoch, at the Adirondack Center for Loon Conservancy. She says they would prefer to leave baby with parents as long as they are feeding it , so we're asking anyone who observes feeding to let us know.
However, if it continues to be listless, they may try to scoop it up, administer antibiotics, and determine how it was injured, to see if it's survivable. They do not have any facility to rehab over the winter. Dr. Schoch also confirmed that chances of survival are not very good for a bird in this condition. If the chick dies, they would like to recover it to determine what happened.
They'd like to get better pictures than we've been able to send (phones), so if anyone has good pictures that depict the injury, please share. Dr. Schoch also suggested that we learn more about the Adirondack Loon-Friendly Lake Certification Program: Click the button link on this page.
Thanks, in advance, for any photos that can be shared, and for giving the loons the space they'll need to help the chick.
August 24, 2022 — Dan Lallier messaged: "Have the young loon right in front of our place. Riding quite high in the water still and not looking to feed just kinda moving to miss any watercraft. Tough thing to watch. Parents not around, at least not lately."
August 23, 2022 — Rhonda Hill Force reports, "Looks like the juvenile loon "Baby" is alright. Parents are teaching it to dive and catch its own fish.
Facebook Update August 22, 2022 — Barb Tully reports: "Loon parents are out in front of Parker's Bay, giving baby diving lessons."
Update- August 19, 2022 — 3:00PM (From Bill & Juliet Cook) Dr. Nina Schoch, from the Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation (a non-profit) recommends leaving the injured juvenile loon with its parents for now. Given that it still has mobility and the adults continue to nurture it, she would like the lake residents to monitor them and she will reach out next week for an update and then decide next steps.
She suspects it was a boating related injury, as the juvenile remains too young to fly, and too large to interest a snapping turtle. Dr. Schoch also stated that loons are the aggressors around cormorants and likely responsible for the demise of the cormorant Bob Miller pulled from the lake. If you observe any significant changes, please contact the Center (518-354-8636) or Bill Cook (484-447-2643) and we will relay the info to Dr. Schoch.
Update- August 19, 2022 — 10:28AM — Loon update: chick sleeping with parents near south west end lake. Info sent to doctor.
Update- August 19, 2022 — 9:00AM (From Bill & Juliet Cook)
Good morning. The doctor is in meetings today till 2 pm after reviewing loon pictures she also feels the wing is involved, along with the leg dragging on the left. We will look this morning to see condition and Dr Schoch will try and come down this afternoon. Hockey’s observed some event with loons and thought a snapper might be involved, but also the same day , a Cormorant was found dead at Miller’s. Will keep posted. Very upsetting to see something harmed that we all enjoy and value. Thanks again B & J
August 18, 2020 — 5:00PM — Was alerted to the sad fact that our "baby" loon has a bad leg injury. First noticed by the Cooks, while on a boat ride this morning, the baby was swimming in circles, near Katie Pistolesi's beach. Later this afternoon, after contacting Dr Nina Schoch at the Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation Bill & Juliet kayaked and found the adolescent loon resting on a float on the West shore of Hotel Bay. Dr Schoch instructed them to take photos and they sent these pictures for her initial assessment. Dr. Schoch will determine next steps.
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